SBYC Sea Cadets

Youth sailing requires a resurgence in the Saldanha Bay West Coast, primarily spearheaded by a lively Cadet Sailing Development Programme (CSDP) being run by the SAS SALDANHA Sea Cadet Corps in collaboration with Saldanha Bay Yacht Club and the Jewish Maritime League.
National Newsletter Saldanha Cadet

President's Update

I am back. Firstly, I need to thank you for your indulgence – I have been away from my post for a while. Secondly, I would be astonished if anybody even noticed my absence, things have gone that well since I have been away.
National Newsletter President-Update

9 Miles Project

The sailing community is a small one but very robust. It’s difficult to know everything that's going on in sailing but once you hear the smallest bit of interesting information it becomes easier to find out more through word of mouth with a bit of asking around. That has been my experience of the interconnectedness of this community. This has been my experience in sailing with the recent of which happening at Zeekoevlei Yacht Club.
National newsletter ZYC Keelboat

Inland and Offshore

There are certain prescribed requirements under the National Small Vessel Safety Regulations, published on in August of 2007, that I wish to highlight. I am sure most of us are well aware of these regulations however I have come to realise that there are also a number of persons in extremely important roles within our boating community,
National newsletter Inland and Offshore

Bart' Bash- RSA keep shining

South Africans brought their A-game this year at the annual flagship fundraising event, Bart’s Bash. Founded in 2014, the event was verified by Guinness World Records as the largest sailing event in the world.
National newsletter

Vice-president's Update

Dear South African Sailing members In Mike’s absence I have been tasked to send out some newsworthy items. For those that are not sure where he is, as I write, he and the crew of Ocean Sunrise are in the Atlantic Ocean Lat/Lng:17°26'48.7320"S 33°3'49.2840"W.
National newsletter presidents update