
Certificate of Competence (2024-2025)
Mon 01 Apr 2024 00:01 — Mon 31 Mar 2025 23:59
South African Sailing, 9 Serrurier Street, Monte Vista, 7460
South African Sailing - Certificate of Competence

Course information

In order to be able to make an application, you need to either be a member or have an SA Sailing profile/user account.

Please ensure you have logged in before making application, at which time membership will be validated prior to the discounted rate being applied.

Non-members need to apply for a SA Sailing profile, at which point login details will be sent to you.

  • Non-members of SA Sailing can request for a profile by clicking here.

  • For Members, SA Sailing membership can be applied or renewed for via our member registration page . Please note membership will only be activated on reciept of payment made on your behalf from your club).

NB! Before you register you must have the following documents available in electronic format for uploading:

1. Signed Terms and Conditions (Please download relevant T's and C's below)

SK31 Inland Waters T's and C's  SK34 Coastal Skipper T's and C's
SK32 Day Skipper T's and C's    SK35 Yachtmaster Offshore T's and C's
SK33 Local Waters T's and C's  SK36 Yachtmaster Ocean T's and C's


2. A clearly recognisable copy of your SA ID Document or your foreign passport

3. A clear ID photograph in full colour. Please do not scan a tiny grainy ID photograph. Rather take a selfie against a plain background. 

4. Copy of your SA Sailing or SAMSA eye test (SA Sailing Eye Test Form)

If you already have the following documents, you may upload them at the same time. Otherwise you will have to submit them by email at a later date. SA Sailing cannot issue your certificate until we have received these documents:

1. Copy of your log book with subtotals on each page carried forward correctly and full name on each page 

2. Copy of your SRC operator’s certificate (Optional on first submission) not required for Inland Water application

3. Valid 1st Aid Certificate required for Coastal applications or higher

Eye Test

The eye test must be completed by a registered optician using the SA Sailing form that can be downloaded from the “Prerequisites” page. Most opticians will not charge for the service. SAMSA have ruled that colour-blind candidates may not qualify beyond Day Skipper as they consider colour vision to be essential for night sailing. A SAMSA eye test is also accepted.

Qualifying miles, night hours and night entries

Qualifying miles are the total nautical miles logged on a sailing vessel at sea as skipper or as an active member of crew. Qualifying night hours are those hours spent on watch at night from sunset to sunrise on a sailing vessel at sea. Qualifying night entries must be night entries on a sailing vessel at sea after dark. Twilight entries are not accepted.