Economic Assessment of the Keelboat Sailing Industry in and Around Cape Town

Published Tue 11 May 2021

Economic Assessment of the Keelboat Sailing Industry in and Around Cape Town

SA Sailing members involved in the keelboat sailing industry in and around Cape Town are being requested to complete a short questionnaire…

Questionnaire for marina berth holders, keelboat owners, and visiting craft:

Economic Assessment of the Keelboat Sailing Industry in Cape Town

This interview is being conducted as part of an economic study on the Keelboat sailing industry in Cape Town which is being undertaken by Anchor Environmental Consultants. The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect important information that will help assess the economic value of the sailing industry to the local economy and highlight opportunities for growth in the marine economy. The questions relate to your involvement in sailing in Cape Town and your input is highly valued.

The survey can be done on your phone or computer, simply click or tap on this link below

It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.


Call 021 701 3420
