Meet the Team

Published Tue 11 Jun 2019

1. Where are you based?
Cape Town

2. What is your title within SA Sailing?
ational Treasurer

3. What exactly does your role involve?
Co-ordinating the regional treasurers, preparing the annual budget, preparing monthly management reports, preparing reports for the Council meetings and AGM, assisting the national and regional accountants with the accounting function, etc.

4. How long have you been in this position?
Since October 2018

5. What has your involvement in sailing entailed over the years?
Mainly Mirror Dinghy Sailing. I participated locally to Nationals level as well as competed in three Mirror World Championships. Also sail various other dinghy classes and Hobies for the fun of it as well as sailing a Stadt 23 keelboat at Theewaters Sports Club.

6. What's your favourite sailing memory?
irror Worlds 2013 in Loch Dergh, Ireland. Great event with over 100 boats, 12 from South Africa. Our hosts, right next door to the yacht club, Declan and Fiona, were fantastic. The event was very well organised, the host club was very accommodating, the sailing was challenging but exciting and the Robinsons won that World Champs (and 2015) which created a very jovial mood in the South African team.

7. What do you enjoy doing when not involved in sailing?
Travelling, exploring or spending time at our club.

8. What is it that you love about sailing?
The technical aspects of improving the speed of the boat, the friendships formed, and the freedom of being out on the water using the wind to our advantage. 9. What saying or quote do you think sums up who you are? JUST DO IT

10. If you could sail anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Because I have not done it, I’d like to charter a yacht around the Med, especially near Greece and Italy.
