President's Update - February 2021

Published Fri 05 Mar 2021

February just flew by, and in the flurry, the process of consolidating our community continued.

The SA Sailing Constitution allows for relationships with Associated Organisations which are not sailing clubs, but which actively use sailing to achieve their goals. We have identified two organisations, Sail Africa from Durban and The Skipper Foundation from Mossel Bay, with which we would particularly like to be associated, and we have made overtures to them to join our fold. The type of work undertaken by these organisations is the sort of stuff that we as a sailing community should be encouraging. I hope that an association with the credentials of SA Sailing will empower these organisations and set them up for further success. Graduates from these programmes may well become active members of the sailing community in the future, but more importantly, their association with the programmes could set them up for life. read more....
