Steering the Course 2023 - Calling all SA ladies!

Published Tue 02 May 2023

As part of our 2023 Steering the Course Campaign, World Sailing is looking to highlight more pathways in sailing and have a new social media feature, Steering my Course.


They are looking for Women from all across sailing to share their journey in photos and would be looking for the following information:

  • Name: First Name Last Name
  • Location: City, Country.
  • Job / Occupation
  • Please provide 5 images (as high quality as possible) that best describe pivotal moment in your sailing pathway.
  • Past, present and perhaps future!
    • Alongside each image,
      1) Please give a brief description of what features in the image.
      2) The location/the object.
      3) Why it is important to you.
  • Examples:
    Image 1 - 1978 - This Optimist was the first boat I ever sailed and sparked my passion for being on the ocean.
    Image 2 - 1986 - This is the local sailing club logo where I learned to sail and coached.
    Image 3 - 1999 - Teaching my son & daughter to sail at the local club
    Image 4 - 2001 - My first sailing medal... A highlight of my career and something I'm extremely proud of.
    Image 5 - 2014 - This is my new team jacket, let's see what the future holds!

*By sending these images, you consent for World Sailing to use in promotional material.

Anyone wishing to send in images should please share them with


World Sailing will try and feature as many as possible but please note they won’t be able to share everything they receive.
