Daring to follow your dream – catching up with the crew of Nahoa

Published Thu 30 Mar 2023

For many, leaving it all behind and sailing around the world is merely a wild dream, never to be realised. But in 2015, Canadians Ben Brehmer and Ashley Stobbart decided to make that dream a reality.

Having sold all their possessions, the duo bought a 41-foot catamaran and set off from Florida, USA, headed to the Caribbean, through the Panama Canal, across the Pacific, down to New Zealand, through Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Guam, Asia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand, and across the Indian Ocean to Madagascar. Eight years, a Covid pandemic, and two children later, they have arrived in South Africa where they’re spending a month working on their boat, Nahoa, in Cape Town before setting off again for St Helena, Brazil and back to the Caribbean to complete their circumnavigation...Read more...


