SA Sailing 75th Anniversary Celebration

Published Fri 05 Aug 2022

Dear Sailors Most of you have had sailing touch you in many ways. The old proverb that “in giving, you will receive” holds true, especially in our sport. I can give many examples but I’m sure your stories make mine pale into insignificance.

Nuts and bolts SA Sailing are “giving” you all an event that should empower your clubs and classes. You are able to use our credentials to go out and apply for sponsorship, small or big. The small sponsorships are sometimes the best. It’s an opportunity to get in touch with your local government and local community, there is an endless list of opportunities to be had. You will be able to work with clubs across the water and use some of their resources in times of need. An example would be to share First Aid facilities from a base club instead of 5 separate ones all over the Vaaldam... Read more...
