Steering the Course 2023 : Shaping a Pathway for Women in Sailing

Published Thu 02 Mar 2023

In 2023, Steering the Course will take on a new focus, shaping a pathway for Women in Sailing. This focus will not only introduce new sailors to the sport but also dive into the many different pathways and careers available. We are again encouraging Sailing Clubs, Centres, Member National Authorities, Class Associations, and volunteers to sign up to support the event and then to take part in any of the activities suggested. Alongside this, World Sailing will focus on a number of key opportunities to highlight roles within sailing organisations, events and the wider sailing industry to show the variety of career opportunities, volunteer roles and ways to retain people within sailing. Steering the Course remains an international opportunity for women from across the world to try sailing and fall in love with our sport as well as now celebrating those who remain in sailing, for life. 

When will Steering the Course run? 2023 will see two festivals take place again but we are removing the Northern and Southern hemisphere focus. Events can be run in whichever festival suits your calendar best, even both festivals if you like Participants can also choose the best days to suit them, whether it is a weekend or the whole 10 days. If you cannot complete an acitvity within the chosen dates, do not be put off, the most important part is increasing awareness and participation. 

  • Festival 1 - Friday 19 - Sunday 28 May 2023
  • Festival 2 - Friday 29 September - Sunday 8 October 2023


Calling all South African clubs, classes, and centres! If you are planning an event let us know! Contact Gabriella on

