Virtual Regatta South Africa

Published Fri 11 Sep 2020

When all activity on the water was brought to an abrupt halt at the end of March, one form of sailing experienced unprecedented growth. Understandably that was eSailing, which could be enjoyed from the comfort of your home during lockdown. Sailors may be heading back out on the water now as restrictions ease, but the virtual version of the sport continues to grow in popularity – as explained by Drew Scott…



1. How are you involved in eSailing and virtual racing?

Other than hosting races for fellow RSA eSailors on Virtual Regatta, I have been actively engaging with official bodies like SA Sailing and World Sailing to get the eSailing recognition to develop the sport of eSailing in South Africa. We, myself and other active eSailors, have recently formed the "eSailing helm" to share ideas and promote the sport.

2. What are the interest levels like in SA in terms of numbers?

According to World Sailing who are in partnership with Virtual Regatta (VR is the online platform that hosts the eSailing races) there are 3000 registered RSA eSailors of which 1000 actively play. This is a big number and we would like to try and encourage fellow RSA eSailors to make themselves know as there are regular regattas, youth sailing events, team racing and more that we would like to promote.

3. Have you seen a big rise in numbers during lockdown?

Covid has definitely increased the numbers. I for one started due to lockdown and I’m sure my story is echoed among many current eSailors.

4. Are virtual sailors usually people who belong to regular sailing clubs too?

As far as I can see they are current club members as well as people who used to sail and are now starting to sail again online.

5. What attracted you to eSailing in the beginning and what do you enjoy most about it?

I was attracted to the competitive racing that eSailing offers. I was amazed how much one learns about tactics, starts, and wind effect while racing. One can match race, team race, race internationally and locally.

6. What eSailing events are currently being run on a regular basis?

Youth races on a Monday at 17h30, team races on a Tuesday and we’re starting a Thursday race to rank people per class, with points going towards end-of-year results.

7. I hear you are hoping to run a national championship – how far along are you with these plans and what would be needed to make this a reality?

We were waiting for developments with World Sailing to assist us with Nationals, which is unlikely to happen this year. eSailing Helm will discuss this and hopefully create a national event in the very near future.

8. What qualities do you think are needed to be a great virtual sailor?

Personal qualities would be to stay calm while racing and have the ability to watch and learn. A good internet connection however is vital as players do lose their sense of humour when they get dropped or even worse, if the boat loses control due to internet issues, normally resulting in a penalty.

9. Anything else you’d like to add?

We would like to encourage clubs to engage both youth and general members in the wonderful potential of eSailing, especially in the youth train programmes. It is a wonderful platform to develop sailing tactics, learn more about the rules in racing, learning about a good start and wind effects while racing. We would love to get the word out to all enthusiastic eSailors or "want to be" eSailors to make themselves known and join in on the fun.

There are RSA races almost every day where just South African sailors race against each other. At this stage it’s a bit like posting a notice on a tree in the forest. The word is out but not many people know about it. We’re hoping clubs will help develop a trail to the tree with the notice and more people will be led to the sport of eSailing.

We have a very active WhatsApp group, and recently started a Facebook page. We have a dedicated discord channel so we can chat while racing. We looking forward to growing the sport.

You can check out the page here:

Lastly if we are to enter into the international arena we are looking for a sponsor to help with the World Sailing fees. Any interested parties are please encouraged to engage with Lucy at SA Sailing.

For more info on our general racing I’m happy to assist anyone who is interested – either reach out via the Facebook or contact me directly on 08233391240.

